"...And SpaceX is STILL ready"

After several hours of activity at KSC with numerous off-site interviews, crew dressing, briefing, transporting, seating, and first and second stage fueling; the one thing not under the control of NASA or SpaceX was the one thing that caused a mission scrub at T-18 minutes. There were three weather parameters that "failed" including Attached Anvil Clouds, Natural Lighting and Field Mills Rules.
The 45th Weather Squadron has released an informative PDF outlining the various lightning launch commit criteria and their impact on go/no-go conditions.

The next launch window will be on Saturday, May 30th at approximately 3:22 pm. Everyone at NASA, and SpaceX, was very positive about this "wet" rehearsal and feel that the practice makes them that much closer to perfect and the opportunity to launch Saturday will be just a little smoother.

Stunning, full color photo book covering every east coast launch spanning 2014-2015, including the first-ever powered landing of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.
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