Falcon 9 lifts heavyweight HispaSat 30W-6 to Orbit
SpaceX's landmark 50th Falcon 9 launch, lifting HispaSat 30W-6 to orbit took place shortly after midnight on Tuesday, March 6, 2018 from Space Launch Complex 40. Marked as the heaviest satellite that SpaceX has lifted to Geostationary Transfer Orbit (GTO), HispaSat 30W-6 replaces the 30W-4 satellite covering the Mediterranean Sea and provides new Ka-, Ku- and C-band transponders to Europe and Latin America over the next 15 years.
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SpaceX Ready to Debut Upgraded SLC-40
SpaceX spent approximately $50 Million to upgrade Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) and to make it compatible with LC-39A.
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Orbital ATK Prepares for July 2017 Minotaur IV Launch from CCAFS LC-46
We Report Space's Bill Jelen takes us underneath Space Launch Complex 46 and learns about Orbital ATK's preparations for a July 2017 launch of the Minotaur-IV rocket.
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Stunning, full color photo book covering every east coast launch spanning 2014-2015, including the first-ever powered landing of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.
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