Hypersonic Surprise

Cape Canaveral S.F.S., FL- Updated December 13, 2024
As witnessed by myself, a launch was seen on the morning of December 12, 2024 at 11:30 AM EST. While speculation was being posted, it is being said that this launch was a hypersonic missile test called “Dark Eagle” from Launch Complex 46. It was also being said that this missile is launched from a mobile transport. On a notice to mariners, there was listed a launch simply called: Mission OP 1224. We Report Space have received an official press release about this launch with all thanks to: Jeff Jurgensen OSD Press Operations
It is being confirmed that a launch was conducted jointly by the Army and Navy who successfully tested a conventional Hypersonic Missile. This launch took place from Launch Complex 46 at the Cape Canaveral S.F.S. the morning of December 12, 2024 at about 11:30 AM EST.
In a statement from the Army: "This test builds on several flight tests in which the Common Hypersonic Glide Body achieved hypersonic speed at target distances and demonstrates that we can put this capability in the hands of the war-fighter," said Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth.
In a statement from the Navy: "This test marks an important milestone in the development of one of our most advanced weapons systems. As we approach the first delivery of this capability to our Army partners, we will continue to press forward to integrate Conventional Prompt Strike into our Navy surface and subsurface ships to help ensure we remain the world's preeminent fighting force," said Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro.
Continuing: "This test is a demonstration of the successful Navy and Army partnership that has allowed us to develop a transformational hypersonic weapon system that will deliver unmatched capability to meet joint war-fighting needs," said Vice Adm. Johnny R. Wolfe Jr., Director, Navy's Strategic Systems Programs, which is the lead designer of the common hypersonic missile.
This specific hypersonic missile is capable of traveling in excess of Mach 5 (3705 MPH). That is roughly 10 times the speed of a commercial modern day jet.
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