SpaceX Falcon Heavy roars to life at Launch Complex 39-A to start the journey of the Psyche space craft. Image Credit: Michael Howard / We Report Space
Kennedy Space Center, FL. – On the morning of October 13, 2023, a SpaceX Falcon Heavy roared to life at Launch Complex 39-A to start the journey of the Psyche space craft towards a metal rich asteroid in the hope of uncovering more mysteries in our solar system. The journey of Psyche will take 6 years and cover over two billion miles to reach and study the asteroid that orbits between Mars and Jupiter. The craft is expected to arrive at the steroid in August of 2029. Integrated into the craft is the Deep Space Optical Communications, a laser communication system to test optical communications for future space flights.
. Photo Credit: Michael HowardIn a statement from NASA: “Congratulations to the Psyche team on a successful launch, the first journey to a metal-rich asteroid,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “The Psyche mission could provide humanity with new information about planet formation while testing technology that can be used on future NASA missions. As Asteroid Autumn continues, so does NASA’s commitment to exploring the unknown and inspiring the world through discovery.”
. Photo Credit: Michael HowardAlso commenting on this mission was Nicola Fox, Associate Administer for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington: “I am excited to see the treasure trove of science Psyche will unlock as NASA’s first mission to a metal world,” “By studying asteroid Psyche, we hope to better understand our universe and our place in it, especially regarding the mysterious and impossible-to-reach metal core of our own home planet, Earth.”
. Photo Credit: Michael SeeleyShorty after launch the previously flown twin side boosters made a successful landing back at the cape at Landing Zones 1 and 2 while the center core without grid fins and landing legs was deemed expendable in order to use every bit of fuel to propel Psyche into space and about an hour after launch, ground teams were in contact with Psyche and the journey of discovery begins. Image Credits: Michael Howard and Michael Seeley for We Report Space
Psyche space craft races towards asteroid in the hope of uncovering more mysteries in our solar system
Stunning, full color photo book covering every east coast launch spanning 2014-2015, including the first-ever powered landing of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.